Interactive Windows

Team: Alex Poterek, Paolo Catalla


This team worked through a few iterations, working from a desire to create an interactive projection on existing architecture. The team eventually arrived at an idea that would utilize a grid of windows on the ground floor of the Taubman Center.

The Interactive Windows was the first piece visitors would see as they arrived at the Taubman Center for the Student Exhibition Opening. The installation was located at the front of the Detroit Creative Corridor Center, who were kind enough to permit us to house a large short-throw projector, the Galaxy Warp 5000. In turn, the team dedicated part of the piece to an exploration of the the organization’s identity and mission statement.

Interactive Windows from Nevercool on Vimeo.

Because the clients are all connected, the experience is multiuser; each user can see all other users on their own mobile screen. Photos and screens from the Colada and Pixel Pix are also sent to the Interactive Windows for display in the grid. The interface is a web application built using Javascript and CSS, optimized for the mobile screen. The display application uses Adobe Flash in combination with widgets from the NETLab Toolkit, a project from Philip Van Allen at the New Ecology of Things Lab at Art Center College in Pasadena.

The piece may be reinstalled for a DC3 event in September, more updates later.